Welcome to the only UWC in Latin America & The Caribbean!

Now Available: Sustainability and Spanish Immersive Experience

Are you 14 to 17 years old and looking to learn new ways to create an impact on our planet? Join us for an unforgettable 14-day sustainability and Spanish immersive experience at the UWC Costa Rica campus! Enrollment is open for our first UWC Short Course, beginning July 1st.
Our mission:

To cultivate in young people the passion and ability to serve humanity and our planet–learning from nature and from each other for a lifetime.

UWC Costa Rica is a non-profit foundation and a two-year residential pre-university program for students to achieve the International Baccalaureate. Led by our mission of cultivating in young people the passion and ability to serve humanity and our planet, we offer a bilingual program, opportunities to learn more about the region's social, political, and cultural history, and embedded in our curriculum, many options to explore Costa Rica sustainably, following our Sustainability Framework.

UWC Costa Rica is home to around 200 students representing 70+ countries, so there are myriads of exotic food, new languages, and stories to share. Located in Santa Ana (soon to be in San Isidro), students have many opportunities to interact educationally and create a secure environment that is a dynamic place for our students to study and live around nature.

Start your application process and join our community!

Latest News

List of 4 items.

  • 82%

    of all students receive full or partial scholarships to attend UWC Costa Rica.
    38% received a full scholarship, and 40% received a partial scholarship in the Class of '24 & '25.
  • 211

    students enrolled in the 2023-2024 Academic Year.
    All students come from a variety of academic, socioeconomic, cultural, and language backgrounds.
  • 48%

    of students received full scholarships to attend university in the United States.
    Including 4 Ivy Leagues Colleges, and awards such as the Kofi Annan Scholarship at Macalester College, and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholars Program.
  • 66

    student nationalities represented on campus.
    25% of the students are from Latin America for the class of '24 & '25.

List of 4 items.

Our comprehensive campaign's goal is to become a college with a sustainable infrastructure and a robust scholarship endowment fund that supports learning through innovative education and social transformation.
Our mission: To cultivate in young people the passion and ability to serve humanity and our planet—learning from nature and from each other for a lifetime.

San José, Costa Rica. 10901.
+506 2282 5609 | info@uwccostarica.org
All Rights Reserved |  UWC Costa Rica © 2025