UWC Costa Rica students become The Earth Prize 2023 Scholars
UWC Costa Rica students become The Earth Prize 2023 Scholars
Written by: Sofía Quirós
UWC Costa Rica students become The Earth Prize 2023 Scholars
About Polygon:
“Our solution is software that reduces excess consumer food waste caused by overlooked expiration dates. Approximately 33% of purchased food is disposed of annually, with 20% caused by expiration date uncertainty. Carbon dioxide emissions from food waste exceed combined airplane, plastic production, and oil extraction emissions. Unawareness of food expiration dates creates a farm-to-landfill trajectory of organic nutritional waste. Our software increases users’ awareness of their foodstuffs by alerting them when their food is on the cusp of expiration. This will limit household food waste from expiry and reduce the purchase of unnecessary foodstuffs when shopping. We are scaling our software by integrating with grocery stores to reach a larger user base and hope to expand to more cities. Our mission is to improve global food consumption habits, and the Polygon software will make this possible for millions of people.”
Our mission: To cultivate in young people the passion and ability to serve humanity and our planet—learning from nature and from each other for a lifetime.